Kids Corner of Caledonia
Child Care Learning Program, LLC
Where Children Learn, Play and Grow Together
The Toddler Learning Program offers care to children ages 16 months - 33 months in an environment that promotes learning, exploring and social interaction. Our teachers create a safe and suitable environment for each child and offers age appropriate activities that stimulate growth and development in the following ways:
- Children follow a daily activity format that matches the ever-changing needs, interests and activity levels of the toddler age group.
- The Creative Curriculum meets learning objectives that will help every child move towards their potential
- Incorporates small and large group activities, along with center-based activities
- Introduces early learning skills, including letters, letter sounds, numbers, counting, shapes and colors
- Circle time is implemented daily to introduce learning themes, such as days of the week, months of the year, weather and upcoming activities
- Nursery Ryhmes, singing and dancing are tools used to teach language skill and development
- Integrates field trips into classroom learning environment to allow children to connect learning with the outside environment
- Engages children in activities and discussion that promotes creativity, curiosity and stimulation of senses
- Assist children with learning healthy tolieting methods
- Real time updates of your child's day in Brightwheel
- Parents are given assessment updates throughout the year. These include parent/teacher conferences twice a year, ongoing portfolio collections, work sampling, and daily communiation regarding each child's needs and learning
Daily Toddler Schedule
8:00 Breakfast
8:15 Creative Play
8:45 Music and Dance
9:00 Centers
Centers are stationed around the room with an adult present at each. The children then free flow through the stations at their pace and choice.
9:30 Circle Time
Circle Time activities consist of the weather, calendar, learning components, and weekly or daily themes.
10:00 Exploration
Children engage in activities that relate to the weekly or daily theme.
10:30 Creative Play
11:00 Prep for Lunch
11:15 Lunch
12:00 Quiet/Naptime
3:00 Snack Time
3:30 Creative Play
4:15 Centers
4:45 Story time
5:00 Creative Play